The hidden potential : Mantra Yoga

Mantra yoga is one of the quickest ways to raise consciousness and reach the state of Samadhi, the state of oneness.

Bienfaits de la méditation

The word mantra can be divided into two parts: "man", which comes from "manas", the mind, and "tra", to get free.

The mantra has the ability to free the mind from the fluctuations.

The mantra or vibratory chant acts on several levels, both gross and subtle:

Now visualise throwing a stone into a lake. When it falls into the water, its impact produces a series of waves and vibrations. When the mantra manifests itself, it has the same effect on the human body, since it is composed of 70% water. 

The vibrations immerse themselves in the most subtle layers of our being, releasing hidden blockages in the unconscious and subconscious.

Benefits of Mantras

The mantra has the potential to release and purify the tensions, emotions and traumas that persist in the different bodies that inhabit the human being. The mantra helps to transcend the emotional baggage accumulated over time and establish a new balance.

There are mantras for healing, calming the mind, strengthening the energy of love, purifying the chakras, releasing tension, increasing inner fire, balancing the influence of the planets, invoking the energy of the Sun...

The Mantra “ AUM ” or “ Om ” - Practice - 

This mantra is the primordial sound, the pranava, it's all vibration. It is the root mantra, also known as bija - a seed - it has no proper meaning in Sanskrit. The sacred books tell us that first came 'Om', the vibration, and then the Universe, duality.

This mantra is three-dimensional: sleep-dream-wake ( awakening ) and each silence between the sounds represents the path completed. It also represents the trilogy that creates the Universe: Ida - Pingala - Sushumna, Active - Passive - Balance, Vishnu - Brahma - Shiva ...


Chant OM x 3 - Before sunrise or after sunset ( at Sandhya ) -.

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